Was just talking to my buddy Patrick about movies and stuff.
This of course after my post few hours ago about how immature I am. Our conversations tend to jump from one topic to the other. This however, came back to clothes. Tee shirts to be exact. Tee shirts with logos.
You all saw a photo of my spiffy new MotorCityMachine Guns! shirt, and if not here it is. Shut up I look totally hot in it. You wish you could pull off a look so dark and gloomy like that without coming across as a wannabe. But you can't cause you're not me. And I am the Queen of Your Evil Dreams!
I have this slight addiction for tee shirts from movies and stuff. ( ICP shirts of which I have 3 somewhere in this mess of an apartment, Vampiro shirt, Batman shirts of which I have 5, vampire movie shirts of which I have 4, old band shirts from heavy metal groups long since broken up, Mr. Kennedy shirt you get the idea)
I think I have mentioned before my thing for Batman. My friend Butterfly bought me a Harley Quinn barbie the other year. Yes you read right, a Harley Quinn barbie at my age. Haven't even opened the box she's a collector's item.
Somehow we got around to the best way to apologize to a guy after you have hurt his feelings. Once again the idea of me showing my boobs was introduced. This time in a slinky little nothing outfit. One covered in .... Batman!
You think I'm playing, but I'm not. I thought about this for a moment. And you know what, it actually makes sense in a twisted way.
Sex and comics. What man wouldn't want that? Even on me, how could it go wrong?
Everyone would be a winner (everyone being me and the guy and my buddy would be the hero for suggesting it)
So I think a trip to the lingerie store is in order... or at lest the comic book store for a new Batman shirt.