Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday July 20th 2010
Voo-Voo. I just finished doing my review for the Red Queen
If you want to check it out go here
It got under my skin in a few ways. And that means one major thing, I was dreaming about the book the last few nights. It took me a full week to read, longer then I would have liked. But at almost 400 pages and tiny print, it was a heavy volume to digest.
Historical fiction tends to be most times.
I made a comment the other day on one of my other posts (too lazy to go find it to link) about the role of women in society today. This book has my zombie eaten brain swirling with the whole "what if" factors surrounding family, love, lust, heirs, devotion, and honor.
Does it all still mean anything in this day and age?
I actually at one point found myself thinking about my own family's coat of arms.
I have no idea about anyone else, but when I was in 10th grade, I had to do a history project about my family's background. We needed to find out what our family name meant and the actual importance of a coat of arms if we had one.
And in true fashion, no one on my dad's side could agree on the actual design or back story. Needless to say, I failed that history project cause I could not give a straight answer during the presentations.
Then as I was walking through my dimly lit apartment -or I should say hobbled as my back is acting up again- I caught sight of my tattoo in the mirror. I think I have mentioned before, that I am so used to seeing the tattoo I don't even think of it anymore. But last night it was all I could think of. The idea that if I were to claim any kind of "coat of arms" ( yes going for the the cheap joke-hush you were thinking it) it would be my tattoo which I designed myself and which is not totally finished yet, may never be.
Okay so it's been a long week, and I have a million things that I still need to do, one being the author interview for the book thin and beautiful.com that I did the review for last week. I noticed that when you write the whole title of that book as one long word like the way it's printed on the cover it links directly to the author's website. Sneaky very sneaky.