Stand up and be counted!
*Waves at the Spudguns*
I've been reading the comments you are all leaving on the Spike website. As I've said in the past, I think fellow fans are the only ones reading the comments.
I said a year ago on my old blog (on 3 old blogs actually, Andrew and the Aluminumsidings, Another Freak in the Freakdom and BlindTag) that having Hogan/Bishoff/Hardy was a bad bad bad idea.
I've never been a fan of those three ever. So Now, we're stuck with crappy storylines, old goatlicks getting all the shine, and our favourites- the wrestlers who we were/are fans of/loyal to nearly never on air.
Everyone is threatening to just stop watching. Will that do anything if they loose ratings? Maybe; maybe not.
Will screaming at the top of our internet lungs do anything? Hasn't worked in the last year has it.
Will talking Non-stop (pun intended) about the guys we do care about and want to see on air help... it's our best bet.
I've said this before, but I checked into TNA five years ago when it made it's television debut on Spike cause I wanted to see if there was anything fresh and new. There was. The X-Division, real wrestling. I continued watching cause of Alex Shelley (yes I know; I read the Spike blog post you did {Life After Summer} when you said you hate it when I say things like that but it's the truth) if I wanted to watch the old goatlicks and bad tired storylines, I would not have become a TNA fan, I would have mindlessly stayed watching the other company. Seriously, now I am having trouble telling one company from the other.
So my TNA Spudguns, I say, we just blog/twitter/facebook/myspace etc about the guys we want to see on air every week on Impact.
Love Ardeth Blood