#1- It's Monday night and last Thursday's TNA Impact still is not available for download on iTunes Canada or on the Spike site for that matter.
#2- It's been a full month since the last Spike blog post by the MotorCityMachine Guns! what's going on there? Have our heroes abandoned us fans? I hope not... I need them still.
#3- We've had some crazy weather here. Unusual warm winter that dropped to the bottom of the minuses over the weekend, that went right back up to the top of the minuses again today. It was - 8c today. Beautiful weather here. Everything melted out so I took advantage and went for a short walk to mom's.
#4- Book for review right now is "Darcy and Fitzwilliam A tale of a Gentleman and Officer" and it's much more interesting then the last couple of Pride and Prejudice sequels I've had to review. Much more interesting.
#5- Still very addicted to Top Chef. I just finished watching Season 3 and have started to watch Season 4.
#6- Wondering if I should give up on my own novel all together and start a completely different story? I'm torn on this actually as I've put in two years on this one. Well, it will be two years in March. I'm just falling out of love with my characters. They've drained me to the point of exhaustion. I just don't want to even think about having to re-read my own manuscript to see what else could make it better.
#7- Still have not managed to get my hands on a copy of the Bobby Heenan dvd yet. I'm hoping to have some extra cash this coming month.