Lemon Zest Stock Boy.
I've talked about him before. I've mentioned how he gets my nerves raw. I've mentioned how I can not figure out if he's straight or gay or what have you.
I had no idea he smoked. Which means nothing actually. But, I was walking out of the pharmacy and past by LZSB and one of the women who works the checkout.
We started chatting, myself and the checkout lady. The second LZSB spotted me, he stopped everything he was doing. Literally. He was in mid smoke and just dropped his hand with the cigarette dangling and started to stare at the ground. Wouldn't look at me, wouldn't say hi.
I was standing there for about 2minutes talking to the checkout lady too. Less then a foot from LZSB. Then, when I left I saw him look up and continue smoking again.
Would someone explain this situation to me? Cause it was weird. Even for situations I seem to find myself in, it was weird.
Seriously. Dude! I ran this issue by my buddy Matt, and all he could say was "talk to the guy"
Talk to the guy. Na, that would make sense and why would I want to make sense? When I can just turn it into a blog post.
Seriously, this time it's not just me, this was a weird thing right? Spudgun?