Dear Spudguns:
Been having alot of these lately. Total insomnia.
Something else that has been bothering me, my right foot. It swelled up two days ago for no reason and no matter what I do, I can not seem to get the swelling to go down. Having issues just wearing a runner never mind trying to wear nice shoes/boots.
No, I did not do anything to my foot just woke up the other day with it swollen and it's been like it ever since. Odd don't you think?
I've been needing to get a new printer and so far I've had little luck with the chore. The heat here has been unbearable again. Sitting at what seems like a constant +29c with a humidex of +34c. Totally sucks as you know I'm useless in this heat.
We had a New Moon last night. Getting ready for the next Mercury Retrograde in a few days. So expect alot of issues with communication, electronics, traffic etc. The usual stuff that hampers life with merc-retro. I'll have to do a repost later about that planet situation.
I've gotten too far away from my studies when it comes to this sort of stuff. Like everything else, after over twenty years of being into it all, I've lost the taste for much of it.
Okay, going to try sleeping on the sofa to see if that helps with the insomnia. Check in later.
Love, Ardeth Blood.