Should be simple right, download the newest version of your browser.
Only I lost all my bookmarks because Google has stopped making a toolbar for Firefox. GGGGGRRRRR!
Reload the old one export my bookmarks, reload the new one and import all my links. Only now they have no order or sense and I can't remember what they were saved for or anything.
Then the stupid blog editor in this thing since they have done an upgrade on Blogger is acting up. Every time I come in here now it says "null" when I try to edit.
It's like that old kids' song I am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch crazy slowly going am I 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch.
I got started on this when I woke up this morning at 730... here it is nearly 10am.
Yes this is an old photo from last year. I need to get some new dren done.