Dear Spudguns:
Morning all.
Mom's got another doctor's appointment this morning. Dude, seriously, seems I'm at the doctors all the time between myself and mom. The nurses know us on sight, don't even have to sign in anymore even let us break the rule of no bringing drinks into the waiting room.
Pouring rain here since last night. Yay. Well yes actually my Spudguns, I am being serious. When it rains for some crazy reason I am pain free. Yesterday was another story altogether though. Yesterday I had a massive sinus headache and could barely straighten up from pain.
I know, I'm not normal; most people are fine before the weather and bad during. Seems the Fates have made me wrong or something. Oh well such is life such is rock n roll.
Speaking of music... I rarely buy cds anymore, rarely download music anymore. But this seems to be a good year for me for the stuff. The latest Alice Cooper, latest Twiztid, latest SixxA.M. and now I will be getting the latest Adam Cohen. I ordered it, have to go pick it up.
Might be another four years before I get this much music again. So weird. Music used to be the ultimate top thing I spent my money on. Used to buy cassettes and cds and records and all the good old ways to get it every week.
Still little on the pouty side that I do not get to meet Chef Micheal Smith. But again, such is life such is rock n roll.
And for those who have been hitting up my vampire blog, don't worry, I still have about 9 movies to add to it. Just the week has sort of gotten away from me a bit with us having had Canadian Thanksgiving earlier in the week.
And yes I am still trying to figure out at lest two Hallowe'en styled posts for this bloggy-blog. Since I don't have my full days to myself at the moment, things will get posted in bits and fits.
Love Ardeth Blood