I like many, took to the internet last night and this morning, after last nights TNA Impact looking, hoping to find a bootlegged upload somewhere on the internet in order to see the show.
I didn't really find the show so to speak but I did manage to see clips and highlights that other fans had offered up.
I think I saw enough to compile a small post on my Thoughts on TNA Impact for the Week of July 12th 2012....
I still don't understand why after all these years they want to put A.J. Styles in the sort of storyline they are doing. It's just feeling like a desperation move.
The Robert Roode and Austin Aries segment. I get where they are going with this, and it was funny. Roode stammering like he'd forgotten his lines or something and Aries acting as if he was bored of waiting for him to remember them. Brilliant.
The return of Abyss... just in time for the hardcore ppv next month. Speaking of the hardcore ppv next month, here's my zombied goo covered theory on the Aces/Eights group. Deadman's hand is called that, Aces and Eights, and the big Hardcore Justice ppv is next month, the one that last year saw so many former ECW guys at. So I'm thinking it will end up being that this little group of outlaws are all form hardcore wrestlers... maybe with the mastermind of say Raven?
That's what I'm thinking... that or it could be all the guys who's been fired in general in the last year wanting revenge... or of course JCW or ROH guys trying to start a "Thursday night war"?
Or it could be Bunnies! (yeah always go with the Buffy the Vampire quote when you're out of real theories)
Let's hope the whole dispute in the States between Viacom and DirectTV is over before next Thursday.
-Love Ardeth Blood
Friday, July 13, 2012
Happy Friday the 13th!
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