Or something to that effect.
I was asked what I thought about the big 1000th episode of Raw. Well, besides the fact that 3hours is too damned long, I didn't think much of it. I had taped it on the DVR because Hell's Kitchen and MasterChef trumps wrestling. And when I got around to watching it yesterday afternoon, I watched it in fastforward. Only took me 45minutes. Which, is all you really need for any show.
Might be why I like boxed sets so much, no commercials.
I've been toying with the idea of digging up an old script from 2001 that I had written. Re-working it and seeing what I can do with the character from it.
Which will mean, a new blog. Or maybe a re-issue of one of my old semi-dead ones? I'll let you my lovely Spudguns, know when I've figured it out a bit more.
This weekend will mark 22weeks since I shattered my knee. And two months since the last time I was in to the surgeon who said he was going to do the second surgery to remove the wires within a few weeks... two months without a word.
I think I have been forgotten. And the wires are starting to sort of stick up since all the swelling has gone down.
And that's the view from the sofa this afternoon
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
post 1021
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Karen Allen · 190 weeks ago
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