Sunday, January 5, 2014

When did it become 2014?

New year already. Where did the time go?
I went in to blog on my movie blog, and had frealing issues.  Went to do something on my wrestling blog, had frealing issues. Came in here, and frealing issues.  Need to rant now.

For those of you who follow my movie blog, it's on again man!  For those of you who have no idea what the hell I'm going on about... in 2011/2012 I decided to do a One movie a Day challenge.  The rules were simple, I had to watch one different movie a day for the year and blog about it.  It was mildly successful.  I tried doing a second year last year; themed of course. All vampires, but sadly, it kicked my ass.  So, on the anniversary of the blog, last month, I started a third year of the One movie a Day challenge.  Today makes Day 31. 

Who did not see the split of Cowboy James Storm and Gunner?  I think we all saw that without glasses few months ago. I'm only a week behind on episodes of TNA Impact. And only because the Spike site hasn't put up last week's episode yet.

So it's, I feel so old.

That's about all for right now...we've had -30degree C with -44degree C windchill.  Too cold for living.