Spudguns!, it's been a bit. I have to admit, I've gotten really bad at keeping up with pretty much everything.
So, in the last few months, I've been working on...basically not much. Did my little Hallowe'en comedy thing for my facebook and youtube. Trying to get back into the creative swing. The writer's block this past year has been brutal. I mean, empty dry moths flying in my zombie eaten brain brutal.
I'm currently watching a movie that I have zero interest in and really don't care for the lead actors. Then why am I watching it, you are probably saying. Well, because for some crazy cosmic reason, in the last few days the movie has popped up in more than four conversations. So, thought it was time to check it out. Fight Club by the way. So, you know that's enough of a sign that I tracked down a copy.
Can you believe my lovely Spudguns!, that we are only a few weeks away from not only a new month and year, but decade! Dude! Time flies doesn't it? Hard to believe we're heading into 2020. When you look back at movies and such, the idea of 2020 was so far far into the distant future, that it had predicted we'd be in hovercrafts and living on the moon. I was commenting the other day that I've first started blogging back in late 2002 when it was still a totally new idea, and creating videos since 2006. I can't wrap my mind around the fact life has been lived online for the last decade and a half. Blows my tubes it does.
Okay, with that said, I will try to return before the clock strikes 2020. Oh, right, it's the last Friday the 13th of the decade...Happy Friday the 13th.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Dec 13th Friday 2019
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Karen Allen · 190 weeks ago
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Carmelina Ross · 64 weeks ago